Clean water is life
Have you ever tried to be thirsty. Really thirsty and felt the pain, dizzyness, sickness and the long recovery time?
Water is our first and most important food. Unfortunately we are running out of clean fresh water - something we take for granted. Headlines across the world tells the same story - either there is no water or the water is polluted (by ourselves...)

It is said that every second hospital bed in the world is occupied due to unclean water.
Unclean water can give you stomache problems hours after you drink it or cancer in 20-30 years.
WaterStillar cleans water better than any other technology and will ensure that you do not get sick from water.
If you think minerals in your drinking water are essential, then just add a mineral cartridge between WaterStillar and yor faucet.
WaterStillar makes sterile water by design and will not loose quality over time.
If you like the taste, is completely up to you. But clean it is!
Plastic waste
Approximately 7bn of the estimated 9.2bn tonnes of plastics produced between 1950 and 2017 are now waste. About 75% of that waste is either deposited in landfills or accumulating in terrestrial and aquatic environments and ecosystems.
At the moment, only about 30% of plastic is collected for recycling in Europe, while plastic recycling rate in the US is 8.4%. There is also some obscurity about how much of Europe’s collected plastic actually ends up being recycled.

Foot print
In average, every liter of bottled water uses 3 liters of feed water and 1/4 liter of oil (the bottle itself, energy for filtering and transportation).
Bottled water is in most cases natural water (spring or ground) that is filtered and bottled. The water quality in most cases is good and monitored under local regulations. Although the general high quality of bottled water, numerous scientific studies show that the quality is questionable in regard of the following:
Chemicals in bottled water come from 3 sources: From the initial water source, the water treatment and chemical migration from plastic bottles into the water. Chemical migration from the plastic bottles is problematic for some plastic types (3, 6 and 7) and less problematic for the most common type (1). The problems with chemical migrations are bigger when the water gets hot, is stored for a long time and if the plastic bottles are reused.
Bacteriology measured at standardized tests at 22°C and 37°C show in some studies (too) high values for bacteria count and the water does not meet the limits in EU or WHO directives for water quality. When plastic bottles are reused/recycled the problems are bigger
Taste is individual and humans are able to detect even very small differences. Still, most do not like the taste of warm plastic which is unavoidable in plastic bottled water.

Solution: Take control
Do you trust your water and can you control what is in it?
With a WaterStillar system you can. It eliminates everything and will keep doing so for decades. Regardless of what may come.
That leaves time for you to enjoy life and not worrying about long term effects caused by your water.
You're welcome :-)
The WaterStillar Team
Plastic is in your blood
Recent studies show that 77% of us have plastic in our blood and we know that many substances in plastics causes health issues.
Unavoidable, yes. But you can try to avoid plastic in your daily life and look for plastic alternatives. They exist :-)