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  • I live in a country far away from Denmark, can I buy a system?
    Yes. We will ship at the lowest possible cost for you.
  • How much maintenance is there?
    Like any other water boiler og coffee machine, the boiler needs to be descaled regularly. If the owner uses surface water from a lake or rainwater - descaling will hardly ever be necessary. If it is hard ground water with lots of calcium, it needs to be often. Wall has automated flushing that reduces the need for descaling, but still it needs to be done regularly. The descaling is a manual process and takes about 30 min. You can use any descaling product for coffe makers available in local market.
  • Are WaterStillar systems mobile?
    No. All of our systems are stationary and are meant to stay in their place for decades to provide drinking water. The preferred option for mobile systems are filters, which are compact, efficient and light compared to distillation systems.
  • Are WaterStillar's systems patented?
    Yes, AquaDania A/S hold 4 patents.
  • Can I do maintenance myself?
    For Wall and Family: Yes. For Works: No. The manuals for Wall and Family will tell you what to do and spare parts can be bought through this website (if not locally available). Works is maintained by WaterStillar’s trained personnel. Call them is something is wrong and needs attention.
  • Can I have a WaterStillar in another colour?
    Yes. There will be long delivery time and a price issue. A full series for a good architectucal fit will make things easier rather than having our factory handle a single system in another colour. Write us and then we will discuss.
  • Can/will you ship worldwide?
    In principle yes. But shipping cost will in many cases be too high to make sense. Please get in touch and we will look into what can be done. In near future we hope to have logistics sorted out to reach customers far away from Denmark.
  • How bad is the brine from WaterStillar systems?
    Ever since we do not use chemicals (besides simple descaling agents) our brine contains exactly the same when leaving the system as when it enters. The brine from Wall and Family systems are simply sent to the drain and for Works it is either reused or (if salt water) sent back to the sea/well.
  • Will a WaterStillar system pay itself back?
    Yes. If the alternative is bottled water, the system will save the owner for money, time, waste and heavy lifting. If WaterStillar saves the owner for cancer or other sicknesses, it will for sure pay for itself many times.
  • Why so expensive?
    WaterStillar makes the best quality possible to provide long lasting systems and the highest quality of drinking water possible. We use certified steel from the EU and use only the highest quality manufacturors who knows what they are doing. We believe that our systems will last for decades which means a ower cost of ownership - and less use of resources.
  • Does Wall and Family desalinate water
    No. They are both designed for domestic use and the feed water must be non-aggressive to stainless steel - otherwise the system will corrode sooner or later.
  • Will the water quality go down over time?
    No. All WaterStillar systems has a sterile inside, where the drinking water is kept until tapped. By design this feature is constant, even 20 years after installation.
  • Is distilled water cleaner than filtered water?
    Yes. All (RO) filters have a decline in performance over time and are prone to bacteria growth. Distillation at high temperatures without pressure/vacuum and using materials that do not migrate contaminants back into the water, is cleaner. Especially over time.
  • Can WaterStillar run on photovoltaic solar systems?
    Tricky question, but yes. Wall is fully electric and will of course run on electricity produced by a solar electrical system. Family and Works can be run by an electrical heater – but adding electrical solar collectors onto these systems will not make sense: They would need to be app 4-5 times bigger to give the same amount of energy and the cost would be much higher for such system. But technically possible, yes.
  • Can WaterStillar systems remove arsenic ?
  • Can WaterStillar systems remove flouride?
  • Can WaterStillar remove nitrate?
  • Can WaterStillar remove bacterie, vira and cysts
  • Can WaterStillar remove heavy metals?
  • Can WaterStillar remove pesticides and herbicides?
    Yes. If not by distillation, then by the mandatory post treatment carbon filter.
  • Can you make cubic meters in stead of only liters?
    No. If you need cubic meters of water, you most likely need a filter system. WaterStillar Works can be configures in parrallel, but competing with filter systems will due to price not be possible in most cases. If water quality is more important than price per liter (eg for process water for pharma), we may be able to make a solution.
  • Do we need minerals in our drinking water?
    Yes and no. Please read a more fulfilling attemt to answer this under “Clean water” on this website. It is highly complex to answer this simple question. What we do is to ask you to make up your own mind and then remineralise the water to your likings/beliefs/knowledge.
  • Can Wall and Family treat sea water?
    No. Both systems are made of stainless steel – and stainless steel 316L or better will not withstand hot sea water for more than a couple of days. Besides – who has sea water supplied to their homes? And who would take a bath in hot sea water?
  • Will salt and other substances build up in WaterStillar systems?
    Yes. In Wall and Famly it is necessary to descale the boiler from time to time, it depends on the components in the feed water to the system. The descaling can easliy be done by yourself. In Works the system is a flow through system, where the build up of deposits is minimised – but not completely avoided. WaterStillar staff will clean/replace what is needed under the WPA agreement.
  • Can the system make more drinking water if we can accept a lower water quality?
    No. This question relates to filters – but distillation is different. The distillate is always of the same quality – if more water is needed there are only 2 ways of getting more: Add more evaporation/condensation energy until the maximum possible 24H production rate has been reached (eg nighttime electrical power supply) – or buy another system.
  • Hats is the difference btw reverso osmosis and distillation?
    Besides from being 2 different technologies, a very, very short answer is: Distillation eliminates contaminants, filters reduce contaminants.
  • Can Wall be run by PV solar cells?
    Yes. The heater only uses 800W, so relatively small solar systems will be able to run the system via a battery back up.
  • Can I install a Wall myself?
    Yes. The installation is quite easy and can be done DIY - if local regulations do not allow you to do so. Wall comes with al necessary valves preinstalled. Have a look at the installation video and follow that.
  • Is Wall somehow frost protected?
    Yes. If the power still is on, the system will start when the tank gets colder than 5C. The system will then keep the tank at 8C. This will prevent freezing in Wall - but the pipes to/from Wall will not be protected !
  • Can WaterStillar run on other than solar thermal power?
    For WaterStillar Works – yes. Any power supply that will bring the system close to boiling point, can be used. We have had requests about this from large CPV-systems that needed cooling; food factories with process heating and geo-thermal plants. Family can be fitted with an electrical supplemet heater. Wall in the current configuration can only run on electricity. In future new configurations will be made and it will be possible to use just about any heat source – incl wood and pellets.
  • Can WaterStillar Family run off grid?
    Yes. The system can run on gravity alone. All you need is normal pressurized feed water and from there on the system will work by gravity and simple thermodynamics alone.
  • Can WaterStillar Family withstand bad weather?
    Yes, within limits. If the system is securily bolted to the ground/roof it is rigid enough to withstand almost any storm. The glass tubes are the most sensitive part. Any flying object will breake the glass. If that happens, the glass tubes can be replaced individually and there is no need of emptying the system from water. The outside is made of hot galvanized steel with a coating of UV-resistant paint. The most durable solution available - even in coastal areas.
  • Does WaterStillar systems make any noise?
  • Is there a risk that Family will overheat and break the hot water tank?
    No. Unlike (all) other solar hot water systems, Family is self limiting. It will never exceed the boiling point due to the initial design. No need for security valve.
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