Health and water

“Keeping proper body hydration is a key factor in maintaining physical and mental health and performance as well as to prevent a number of diseases and uncomfortable symptoms. Water is the main constituent of the human body and serves as a universal solvent and mediator of all chemical reactions of organisms. Water also delivers nutrients and aids in the transports of wastes, aids in regulating the body temperature, forms lubricating fluids in joints and the digestive tract, helps to maintain the body structures and supports a number of other functions.
The body of an adult consists of 50–60 % of water. On average, an adult person daily discharges approximately 2.5 L of water through urine, feces, breath and skin. However, the organism needs balanced water turnover and has to take in water to cover the losses. About 300 mL of “new water” is created through metabolic activity and about 900 mL is obtained from food. This means that the rest, about 1,300 mL, has to be consumed in the form of liquids.
Dehydration is the adverse consequence of inadequate water intake. The symptoms of acute dehydration vary with the degree of water deficit (1). For example, fluid loss at 1% of body weight impairs thermoregulation and, thirst occurs at this level of dehydration. Thirst increases at 2%, with dry mouth appearing at approximately 3%. Vague discomfort and loss of appetite appear at 2%. The threshold for impaired exercise thermoregulation is 1% dehydration, and at 4% decrements of 20-30% is seen in work capacity. Difficulty concentrating headache, and sleepiness are observed at 5%. Tingling and numbness of extremities can be seen at 6%, and collapse can occur at around 7% dehydration. A 10% loss of body water through dehydration is life-threatening (ref WHO nutrients in water p.25).
Water requirement is a strictly individual issue, which is dependent on a number of factors like body weight, age, sex, composition and amount of food, physical activity, clothing, environmental temperature and humidity, adaptation, present health status etc. Elder people lose their ability to feel thirst, so water intake has to be scheduled.” (ref: Ingegerd Rosborg: Drinking water minerals and mineral balance, Springer 2015)
At WaterStillar we are often confronted with the question about minerals and other nutrients in water. This question relates to the absolutely clean water that distillation provides.
WaterStillars answer is: We make clean water. Then you decide if you want to add something to the water.
Under normal circumstances a normal food diet will provide all the nutrients you need and water has no significant contribution.
Under special circumstances (sports, sicknesses, extreme heat etc) you should add nutrients to your water. Ask your doctor.

A cheap and effective way of controlling biofouling (microorganisms) in water networks is to add chlorine. Pathogens will then be minimized and public health is not in danger due to short term illnesses.
Why is chlorine in drinking water dangerous? Because when chlorine mixes with organic compounds that are very often found in water, they produce harmful by-products, Trihalomethanes (THMs). These by-products produce free radicals in the body, which trigger cell damage. And they are highly carcinogenic, even in small amounts.
Activated carbon removes most of the chlorine as well as high quality RO membranes and distillation.

The forever chemical that comes in thousands of forms and has been used in cookware, pizzaboxes, rain clothes, fire fighting, ski wax etc.
The PFAS chemical family counts +6000 different types.
Used for years but is now in all of us causing health issues. Some are banned, some still in use. Lately these chemicals have the media attention and governments are now looking into cleaning up contaminated areas and cleaning water.